Hot off the presses!
March 2020 issue is now ready to view! Check it out today!
Introducing our new HH Editor, Meg Palmer!
If you have an idea for an article or story you would like to write, please fill out this google form here. The next issue deadline will be May 30th, so start thinking and keep an eye out for an email from Meg as the publication of the second issue gets closer!
OOPS! Our appologies, we missed this submission. Thank you all so much for your patience as we work out the newsletter submission process!
Toast of Champaign is glad to see the resurrection of Harmony Happenings as it’s always nice to know what our sister choruses in Region 3 are up to. Currently, we are rehearsing our competition package and keeping our fingers crossed that the weather cooperates so no coaching dates are cancelled.
December was a busy month for us as we visited area nursing homes and assisted living facilities putting our Christmas repertoire to good use. We also had great fun at our Christmas party with several internal quartets doing some clever parodies.
Since Midwest winters are so unpredictable, we are trying something new this month. Bonnie Fedyski and Amy Brinkman have agreed to video coach our chorus. We have heard good things about this new technique and are looking forward to the experience.
We are also looking forward to competition in Appleton. For us, the long ride is more enjoyable in a comfortable motor coach where we can sing and play games all the way up and sleep on the way home.
Wherever you are, we hope your weather is cooperative, your rehearsals are productive, and your journey to Appleton is a safe and enjoyable one. See you there!