The Spirit of Harmony Award is given to one Region 3 member who is not part of the RMT, but who has performed outstanding service at the regional level, is a great ambassador of SAI, and is a volunteer. The recipient will be chosen annually by the RMT and recognized each Fall Music School. 2023 Award Recipient: Linda Gross, Melodeers Chorus
Region 3 is proud to announce our 2023 Spirit of Harmony recipient, Linda Gross! Linda has been the glue of our region by serving in many, nearly invisible, but integral ways since leaving her official responsibilities. She has helped with Convention the past few years and has done amazing jumbotron work. Everything she puts her mind to is nothing short of excellence. Her profound knowledge of the website is always appreciated and she openly shares this with first-time RMT members and is quick to give encouragement and backup. Linda helps wherever she is needed, and does so, with a smile on her face. Linda is a region 3 staple and we are so thankful for her expertise, positivity, and willingness to serve the region. 2022 Award Recipient: Connie Selmi, River City Sound Chorus (Connie (L) is shown with River City Sound Director, Joan Boutilier) Midwest Harmony Region 3 is delighted to announce our 2022 Spirit of Harmony Award Recipient, Connie Selmi! Connie, member of River City Sound Chorus and former Marketing Director of the Regional Management Team, has gone above and beyond during the most challenging times. Her technical savvy and willingness to jump in and learn all about Zoom broadcasting has made her invaluable in engaging members of our Region. Without Connie, our last two Virtual Conventions would not have gone as smoothly as they did. Region 3 thanks and congratulates Connie on her outstanding achievements! 2021Award Recipient: Renee Porzel, Melodeers Chorus Our 2021 Spirit of Harmony Award goes to a woman who has gone beyond her usual outstanding level of involvement during the last year. She has been a constant cheerleader and ambassador for Sweet Adelines for Region 3.
Region 3 is happy to recognize Renee Porzel as Region 3’s 2021 Spirit of Harmony!
2020 Award Recipient: Sherry Berkley, Melodeers Chorus Our Spirit of Harmony award this year goes to a woman who has been a Region 3 Sweet Adeline for 38 years. She has served in a variety of roles, including Director, Assistant director, section leader, board member, show chair, and tape evaluator. She has sung in numerous award-winning quartets and is currently affiliated with three choruses! This Sweet Adeline has served Region 3 in her roles of Communications Coord., Director’s Coord., Education Coord., Convention team, Nominating team, webmaster, and is currently our Arrangers Coord. and on the Education team. Whew!
Midwest Harmony Region 3 is very happy to award Sherry Berkley the 2020 Spirit of Harmony Award!
Congratulations Sherry! Thank you for all you contribute to Region 3!
2019 Award Recipient: Brenda Bowman, Melodeers Chorus, Competition Coordinator 2018 Award Recipient: Lisa Pitney, Chapter-at-Large 2017 Award Recipient: Stacey Straughan, Melodeers Chorus
2016 Spirit of Harmony Award Recipient: Shelly Hughes, Melodeers Chorus, Chair of the Regional Convention 2015 Spirit of Harmony Award Recipient: Debi Batchelor, Midwest Crossroad & Melodeers Choruses 2014 Spirit of Harmony Award Recipient: Jane Toftey Choral-Aires Chorus |