Recent news
Our region is lucky to have so many active members, directors and leaders who are incredibly dedicated enough to travel to Tulsa, OK and participate in the DVLS. What a weekend for Region 3 as our very own Whimsy Quartet took 5th place in Diamond Division...
morePlease come and join our clinician, Diane Huber for a great day of singing Saturday July 29, 2023 10 am - 3 pm CDT. Join us for loads of singing as we sing in a big chorus! We'll learn a new song, have lunch, and have big Sweet Adeline-style fun!! Please bring your own sack lunch - Music, tracks...
moreRegion 3 Directors and Assistants had a great time at the Director and Assistant Director Retreat with Rob Mance in East Peoria Nov. 20th, 2022, hosted by Heart of Illinois Chorus. 15 Directors and Assistants attended, had a great time, and learned lots!
Sweet Adelines first International Education Symposium was well-attended by Region 3! We had fun, learned a lot and tried not to melt in the 100+ temps!
Congratulations to Joan Boutilier, recipient of the 2022 Sweet Adelines International President’s Lifetime Achievement Award. As International President from 2020-2022, Joan led the organization through the unimaginable challenges presented by the COVID-19...
morePlease come and join our clinician, Tori Hicks for a great day of singing Saturday June 25 10 am-3 pm . Join us for loads of singing as we sing in a big chorus! We'll learn a new song, have lunch, and have big Sweet Adeline-style fun!! Muisc (Don't Stop Me Now by Queen) and...
moreWe are so excited to share with you all our Travel in Tune to Region 3 is now available online!
We are so proud of all our Directors, Education Team and all of you! What a ride we...
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Mission Statement
Midwest Harmony Region 3 of Sweet Adelines International is dedicated to the advancement of four-part harmony, barbershop-style, for women of all ages, through education and performance.