Director Certification Program

Directors Certification Program - SAI

The DCP certification is awarded to directors, assistant directors, section leaders or anyone wanting a better understanding of our barbershop art form after passing 10 evaluations. Most of the evaluations are written, one is by observation, and there are 4 surveys from chorus members. Study sessions and written evaluations are offered during the Region 3 AIM educational weekends and have recently gone virtual with remote testing! There are several ways to self-study for the tests, and of course education materials are available on the SAI sales website. The new local IES sessions are of course excellent resources as well. Click here to find out more at Sweet Adelines Intl.

No Time Limit

You will find this rewarding, and it will confirm many of the things about Barbershop you already know. There is no time limit to finishing the program. The good news is that most tests only require on average a 60-70% passing rate and, you can take the tests as many times as you want.

The first thing to do is to register with International. There is a cost of $100 which may be submitted with the application form via a credit card number. Once they have you down in their books, they contact Lora Wright, our Region 3's DCP Coordinator, and she will walk you through next steps on how to study and prepare for the tests.

For quick reference: Here's the link to the registration form: DCP application
Fill it in and email it back to SA International, send it snail mail with a check, or fax it via the info given on the application.

Region 3's educational sessions will include sessions for the DCP. While on the site registering, you may want to purchase the module's material. Especially helpful are the DVDs available. We will also hold regular training sessions just for the DCP testing at the Region 3 Educational Events.

Feel free to email Tori Hicks if you have questions.

Featured Regional & International Events

Oct 28 2024 - 10:00am to Nov 2 2024 - 11:00pm
For more information visit
Jan 25 2025 - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Join us for  DANCE FUSION: MOVEMENT FOR SINGING Led by Renée Porzel, Director and Visual Leader-... more
May 1 2025 - 12:00am to May 4 2025 - 12:00am

News Around the Region

July 28, 2024 - 8:22pm
Our region is lucky to have so many active members, directors and leaders who are incredibly dedicated enough... more
May 19, 2024 - 2:23am
Want to see our 2024 Region 3 contest performances? Watch the choruses HERE.  Watch the quartets, HERE
June 28, 2023 - 8:24am
Please come and join our clinician, Diane Huber for a great day of singing Saturday July 29, 2023 10 am - 3... more

Contact Us

Contact us using our handy webform HERE

Want your chorus or quartet show listed on the calendar of chorus shows page? Click HERE

Mission Statement

Midwest Harmony Region 3 of Sweet Adelines International is dedicated to the advancement of four-part harmony, barbershop-style, for women of all ages, through education and performance.