Choreographer, Melodeers Chorus
Specialty: Visual communication, vocal production, judging categories, characterization, physical expression and energy, visual plan design and implementation, choreography teaching techniques, training for choreographers and visual teams, expressive singing, visual performing skills, handling stage fright
Background Info and Experience: Baritone, Choreographer - Melodeers Chorus 1993 to present, competing member of International Champion Melodeers Chorus, Regional Champion Quartet, Legacy - 1993; International Committees and Programs: Certified Visual Communication Judge, Showmanship Category Specialist - 2010-12, Judge Moderator 2014-2016, Certified Faculty Member, Competition Task Force - 2010-2011, Editorial Review Board - 3 yrs., Nominating Committee - 2009, Education Direction Committee - 2005 - 2010, International Board of Directors - 2006 - 2020, Executive Committee serving as Secretary - 2007-2010, President 2012 - 2014, Immediate Past President 2014-2016
Coaching: Quartets and Choruses – all levels - 1996 - present.
Coaching: Quartets and Choruses – all levels - 1996 - present.
Phone: 847-204-6352
Email: [email protected]