Chartered 6/8/1960
- 2015 International Champion Chorus
- 2015 International Most Entertaining Chorus
- 7-time International Champion Chorus 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2009, 2012 and 2015
- 2023 Harmony Classic Champion
Chartered 6/8/1960
Join us at the Region #3 Rally in Las Vegas.... Wednesday October 11 at 11:00am, Room 119, MGM Convention Center Rehearsal Room. Be ready to cheer on our representatives: 2017 Quartet Champions Quest, Region #4 Champions Spot On, 2016 6th Place finalists Spritzer, 2016 Chorus Champions Melodeers and Wildcard Chorus Choral-Aires!
The Melodeers Chorus invites to enjoy a "sneek peek" of our upcoming international competition performance Sunday September 24 at 2 pm at Stevenson High School, Lincolnshire, IL. Special guests for the show is the 2017 Region 3 Champion Quartet, Quest, who will also be competing this fall in Las Vegas.
Contact us using our handy webform HERE
Want your chorus or quartet show listed on the calendar of chorus shows page? Click HERE
Midwest Harmony Region 3 of Sweet Adelines International is dedicated to the advancement of four-part harmony, barbershop-style, for women of all ages, through education and performance.