Openings for two-year positions May 1, 2025 - April 30, 2027:
- Directors Coordinator
Events Coordinator
Finance Coordinator
Marketing Coordinator
One-year position May 1, 2025 - April 30, 2026:
Secretary RMT Secretary Job Description
Associate RMT Associate Job Description
RMT Application (use for both Coordinator and Associate Positions)
NEW! The RMT recently approved the RMT Associate position. Like the RMT secretary, this position on the RMT is an appointed position with a one year term. Associates are recruited to learn about the RMT and the various coordinator positions within the RMT. Participation as an Associate Member on the RMT allows the RMT to observe an individual’s talents, skills and general aptitude for leadership and gives an opportunity to determine the attributes of the candidate and/or whether they would be a good fit as an RMT Coordinator. Additionally, the program also allows the Associate to determine if they truly want to serve on the RMT. Ultimately, they must decide and, if interested, declare their intent to join the Team.
Do you have all, or most of the qualifications listed below, and are interested in serving on the regional management team or as a committee member or appointee?
The IDEAL potential nominee should work well on her own and as a team member to define and pursue goals, and to carry out the aims of the region and Sweet Adelines International. Her qualifications should also include the following:
- Positive, objective attitude
- Good listening skills
- Critical, analytical, imaginative, and creative thinking
- Effective verbal and written communication skills
- Knowledge and ability to use available resources
- Ability to adapt easily to different environments and situations
- Ability to relate to a variety of personality types and styles
- Training and experience in a field which could be of value to the regional management team
- Experience in Sweet Adelines International as a chapter, regional, or international officer, committee chair, or member.