August 23, 2020
Dear Region 3!
Did you know??
This RMT still misses you THIIIIISSSSS MUCH and MORE!!!
Did You Know...
The Virtual Summit is just 34 days away! for more info, visit https://region3sweetadelines.org/node/495
Did you know…
The Voice Of Harmony, arranged by Renee Craig is FREE and available in our members only music section, sheet music as well as learning tracks are available for download.
Did you know...
Our very own Helen Peters started the first YWIH chorus before it was a thing? There is an article in a past Pitch Pipe on page 42 of the January 2018 issue.
Did you know...
Horses and Hats Happy Hour is THIS FRIDAY!
"Can you believe they won't let the Sweet Adelines go to Louisville??” "Then let's go to the Derby next week instead! Socially distanced of course!” "You know we're not, right? Good thing we have masks!!!”

Did you know...
A VIP will be joining our Horses and Hats Happy Hour! Yep! feel free to wear your “boots” and make her feel welcome!
Zoom info is located in members only Dashboard to join us this Friday!
See you all soon!
Group HUGS!